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PI - revolutionising clinical trials


Who we are:

Our mission at PI is to revolutionize patient access to clinical trials. With PI the process of enrolment puts patients at the centre of decision-making, simplifying the process for all involved.

How it works:

The core component of PI is patient information, provided by patients and doctors. This is matched with the relevant clinical trials allowing for patients to enroll in a trial where they can gain maximal benefit

Patient Side

Patients with both new and long-standing diagnoses can sign up to PI to be notified of upcoming treatments and to enroll in clinical trials around the globe. Our chat-bot will determine what patients deem most important when selecting a clinical trial thus allowing their views to be considered when a clinical trial is recommended. Patients will also have a portal to give feedback to trial administrators regarding the process and outcomes of treatment.

Doctor side

Key information regarding the diagnosis (stage, grade, specific biomarkers and past treatments) and general health of the patient is provided in order to ensure trial eligibility criteria are met. This is done via an automated process which minimises the input required from MDT teams; the finalised patient data is verified at MDT before being sent via the platform directly to pharma. PI allows automated matching of patients according to the eligibility criteria of clinical trials taking away the need for manual research by doctors. The Doctor and patient can track the progress in real time and be given an accurate start date. We will also incorporate technology to enable (where appropriate), remote clinical trials, where the drugs (e.g. oral tablet), is dispatched and the patient records when they take it etc with a QR code/barcode system.

Pharma side

PI enables direct contact for pharmaceutical companies with patients. This allows better verification of patient involvement and reimbursement. Patient outcomes are also recorded to ensure safety and monitor the effect of treatments.

What makes our technology different?


Our AI chat-bot matches patients to the most suitable trial, not only based on diagnosis but also on patient specific requirements. In a world heading towards patient specific interventions, this will allow for patients to be enrolled to trials where they will gain the most benefit.


Blockchain technology allows for faster patient verification, increased data security and relevant data access for all parties involved.

How to become a part of the PI revolution:


Visit our website to sign up and see what opportunities are available for you.

Healthcare providers and Clinical trial co-ordinators:

Please contact us at to become a part of our network.



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